Category Archives: astrological

My Journey as a Sound Therapist with the RestStation Lounge


Collagen Building Frequency Healing;  Duration:  33:33

The first time I did this session was a very different feeling from today.  I felt antsy and twitchy while it was going on.  I never actually relaxed.  At least it didn’t feel like it to me.  It felt more energizing.


I had twitchy pain in different areas of my body such as my legs, hands, vagina and spleen area of my stomach.  That was unexpected!  I found myself wondering what that could mean.


I’ll go look in the mirror and see if I notice a difference in my face; but I felt this session much more in my body than in my face like the last time I did it.


Looking in the mirror closely right now the appearance of fine lines around my eyes especially and laughter lines around my mouth were less prominent and looked reduced.



Blood Cleanser I – Cleanse, Purify, Detoxify, Balance and Stimulate Circulation;  Duration:  32:51

I’ve been having cramps in my legs a lot lately.  I don’t know why, but I thought it might have something to do with circulation.  I thought this might help.


The sound was extremely annoying, high-pitched like a jack hammer and kept pounding away.  As the session progressed it dropped an octave, but stayed consistently the same.   The only changes were in octaves.


I almost turned it off a couple of times as it felt really annoying to me.  There were no vibro-acoustic frequencies coming through the Lounge at all for this session.


I didn’t notice any help or difference in the leg and hand cramps I’ve been experiencing.  I was hoping it would help.


I doubt if I will ever do this one again as I didn’t enjoy the sound at all and there were no frequencies coming through the Lounge.

Astrology Update … January

January has been an interesting month.  I thought the energies were supposed to shift dramatically in a good way??!!  I’m not sure about you, but I’m still cleaning out old stuff from 2016!


The new moon in Aquarius (IT”S HERE on 1/28 @ 4:30pm) has the potential to be a dynamic time for us.  We are in a 6 month cycle of HUGE change that started in November and will end in April, 2017.


For the new moon, we have three planets in alignment in the Universe right now.  Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto.  The energies of Aquarius are about starting over, doing things in a new way…think of the dawning of the age of Aquarius!


What does that mean?  Well (FOR ME) this means a few things…


Jupiter stands for expansion and getting bigger.  That could translate into branching out in new directions.  I like to think of Jupiter as expansion into JOY.


Uranus is about a new way of looking at things.  It’s about breaking with tradition and creating and exploring new ways of doing things. How far are you willing to go?  How far are you willing to let someone else dictate what you do or how you do it?  When is it time for you to take charge of your life?  What does that look like if you do?  Rebellion, revolution, free will all fall under Uranus.  It is making a timely appearance in our world right now.  Freedom and creativity are Uranus traits.  It also rules earthquakes and natural disasters.


Pluto is the stuff we don’t want to look at.  As things have happened to us in our life we decide what we want to handle and what we’ll ‘save’ for later.  Those things get pushed to the ‘back of the closet’ or the back of the universe where Pluto is moving in the dark.  The shadow is a good indicator of things that Pluto can govern.  We all have those aspects of ourselves that we judge as ‘wrong’ or lower vibrational energy.


As lightworkers, we often don’t want to look at the things that remind us of who we were before we chose the light.  However, it’s these very traits or shadow aspects of self that we are judging as wrong (potentially) that can be the exact thing that is holding us back from the next big step in our evolution of Self.


So when I look at the energies right now within myself, I can see a struggle to let go of the past, familial programming and entrainment that is not of my making or choosing, yet is impacting me in my life now.


Things are coming up!  People are showing up or coming back.  You know the ones.  Those relationships that were unfulfilling calling for resolution.  Or the unfinished business that you let go of just contacted you for resolution.


This can be a good thing.  You could receive a check in the mail!  You can now resolve misunderstandings in relationships because of lack of non-threatening communication at the time.  Now you are wiser and can communicate better.


I think in general  it’s about clearing Karma and activating an energetic shift for the next 9 year cycle.


However this is affecting you now, I hope this provides some insight.  I am not an astrologer!  But, I intuit what is happening energetically and review astrology for planet locations and information.  There are some great astrologers out there if you want more information.  I try to provide a brief summary for a quick read for folks who might get overwhelmed by other breakdowns.


I hope you find this useful.  If so, please leave a comment about how these energies might be affecting you now.



Bringing 2016 to a Close and Celebrating New Moon, 12-28-16

As we are in the final days of 2016, I invite you to create some space to review the past year, if you haven’t already done so.


Typically, I do this by creating some time and space to honor:
– who I was this past year,
– the lessons I learned,
– to honor the things I willingly or grudgingly released,
– and to celebrate the magic and successes!


You might be wondering why? Because it is the best way I know to move forward for the next year. If I’m still stuck on something in 2016, how can I creatively move forward in 2017?


The new moon in Capricorn (today) is about business and finance! I think that is perfect timing to think about 2017. If you have your own business, what do you want to manifest this coming year? 2017 is a universal 1 year, new beginnings and also the first year of the next 9 year cycle.


If you work for someone else, you can still set your goals for this coming year at your job. Where do you want to be by the end of the year? What kind of things do you want to be recognized for this year? What do you want to remember as your greatest accomplishment or success?


In my life coaching business, I would be asking you for specific information about what you want to manifest … a timeline, as many details as you can imagine. I prefer to do this by using my imagination and visualizing an amazing year for myself and what that looks like for me.  I would usually start at the end of the year and what was I reflecting on as my successes.


Then, I’ll pick up a pen and put it into form by writing it out. Then I might add it on my calendar with ‘to do’ dates to accomplish the things that I ‘saw’.


This will help to keep you on track and moving forward. Do yourself a favor… pick 3 things to accomplish. If you do a whole list, you might get overwhelmed. If you pick three things and give yourself a reasonable amount of time to accomplish them you have a much better chance of success.


The other thing I want to ask you to do is to take time to relax.  Right now, before the end of the year.  Slow down physically, mentally and energetically.  Mercury is still retrograde, so double check your work.  Take a break.  Take a nap.  Review written communication.  Finish old projects.  Say goodbye to those people, places, and things that have completed their cycle with you.


An amethyst will help your mental and emotional clarity.


Wishing you a successful year in review and an amazing New Moon Intention Manifesting Moment!!!