2017 = A New Year

As the New Year approaches, how do you prepare?  Do you?


Are you one of those folks who just plan what you are going to wear or do to celebrate the changing from one year to the next?


Are you one of those folks who can’t be bothered with all the hoopla … stay home and have a quiet night with loved ones?


Do you do what I did when my kids were small and plan an event with them like dinner out, zoo lights and banging pots and pans when the ball drops at midnight?


Whatever your traditions are and whatever way you decide to bring in this ‘new’ universal one year, I wish you the best.  It is truly a new beginning and the energies are aligning to support you in moving forward and creating in a new and conscious way.


I encourage you to learn from this past election.  Try to be truthful in all you say and do.  Treat others with kindness and respect.  Be open to the unusual and synchronistic events that show up in your life.  Embrace the unknown with a sense of adventure and curiosity.


Follow the ‘golden rule’ and treat others as you want to be treated.  Remember the laws of Karma.  It is a good rule to live by.  Try to give more.  Try to receive more.  Try to love more.  Try to be lovable.


When life hands you lemons (and it will) take the time to make lemonade!   Might you take a moment to let go of drama?  Maybe you want to create space for more peace and relaxation?


If something that appears to be bad happens to you, could you not judge it as bad?  Maybe try to skip ahead 6 months to when you will look back on those events and say, “What a blessing that was and I didn’t even know it at the time.”


Receive the blessing in the moment of creation.  Know that you are loved and cared for and there is no way you could ever know the full extent of what that looks like every moment.


So don’t judge.  Trust.  Be present.  Embrace happiness and try to have fun with it.  That’s what I’m going to do.


See you on the flip side!

Wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Abundant New Year filled with Love, Light, Blessings and Sound!


Bringing 2016 to a Close and Celebrating New Moon, 12-28-16

As we are in the final days of 2016, I invite you to create some space to review the past year, if you haven’t already done so.


Typically, I do this by creating some time and space to honor:
– who I was this past year,
– the lessons I learned,
– to honor the things I willingly or grudgingly released,
– and to celebrate the magic and successes!


You might be wondering why? Because it is the best way I know to move forward for the next year. If I’m still stuck on something in 2016, how can I creatively move forward in 2017?


The new moon in Capricorn (today) is about business and finance! I think that is perfect timing to think about 2017. If you have your own business, what do you want to manifest this coming year? 2017 is a universal 1 year, new beginnings and also the first year of the next 9 year cycle.


If you work for someone else, you can still set your goals for this coming year at your job. Where do you want to be by the end of the year? What kind of things do you want to be recognized for this year? What do you want to remember as your greatest accomplishment or success?


In my life coaching business, I would be asking you for specific information about what you want to manifest … a timeline, as many details as you can imagine. I prefer to do this by using my imagination and visualizing an amazing year for myself and what that looks like for me.  I would usually start at the end of the year and what was I reflecting on as my successes.


Then, I’ll pick up a pen and put it into form by writing it out. Then I might add it on my calendar with ‘to do’ dates to accomplish the things that I ‘saw’.


This will help to keep you on track and moving forward. Do yourself a favor… pick 3 things to accomplish. If you do a whole list, you might get overwhelmed. If you pick three things and give yourself a reasonable amount of time to accomplish them you have a much better chance of success.


The other thing I want to ask you to do is to take time to relax.  Right now, before the end of the year.  Slow down physically, mentally and energetically.  Mercury is still retrograde, so double check your work.  Take a break.  Take a nap.  Review written communication.  Finish old projects.  Say goodbye to those people, places, and things that have completed their cycle with you.


An amethyst will help your mental and emotional clarity.


Wishing you a successful year in review and an amazing New Moon Intention Manifesting Moment!!!

The Gong Show!!

The Gong Show

Have you ever driven by a store and had the thought, “I need to stop in there.”?


Well, there is this one place, EurAsian Interiors on Broadway in Denver, CO that I happened to drive by frequently over the last 3 years.  Every time I saw it, I had the thought I’d like to go in there and look around.


Never happened.


Three days ago, I was driving past it again headed home.  I heard the voice in my head (you KNOW the one I’m talking about!) say quite loudly…Time to STOP and check it out.


I tend to pay attention to that voice.  So I turned around and went back.  When I tried to go in the door stuck.  I thought it might not be open, but pushed harder and it did.


It was like stepping back in time to Europe/Asia or transporting there immediately.  The shop was filled with treasures.


I walked around for a bit and spotted this gong.  It’s from Beijing China.  I asked a salesperson, who was present but not pushy, if I could play it.  She said sure.


When I picked up the mallet to see what kind of sound we could make together, I heard a male voice in the background (behind a screen) say, “Sure, go ahead and bang on it.  I do.”  I replied that I was a sound healer and it might be a different experience.


As I began tapping the gong with the mallet there was a multitude of tones that started to make themselves known.  The sound was enticing and inviting and captivating.  My breath became easier and I immediately knew that I was there for this gong.


I asked if they had others…  NO …


I checked the price and had the thought, “anything is possible.”


So I went in search of the male voice behind the screen and found the owner, Rusty.  He agreed that no one had played the gong quite the way I had before and was intrigued by what I do.


We talked for a bit and I asked the question, “What is the lowest price you’ll take for the gong?”  He said he had to think about it a bit and crunch some numbers.


I went looking around the rest of the shop and thought to myself, “What is the highest price I will pay for the gong?”  An immediate number came to mind.


About 10 minutes later the owner came over and named his price.   You probably guessed it by now.  It was the exact number that came to my mind before.


I couldn’t have planned this stuff!  The Universe definitely had a hand in this gong coming to live with me and be a part of my sound tool family.


I made arrangements to pick it up the next day.  When I got home I grabbed someone walking by to help me get it in the house.  I did a clearing on the gong and moved other sound tools around it to energetically attune them before making and sounds.


Here is the gong in HER new home.  Definitely feminine!  Definitely happy!  Unbelievable full spectrum sounds.


Stay tuned for a gong bath sound healing video for the holidays ….



How to support ‘traditional health issues” with sound.

After my recent post about rotator cuff surgery, I received a question from a reader.  The question was, “Why would I post a traditional article on a common surgical procedure?”


Now it’s time to relate it to sound.  So, how did sound and energetic medicine help with traditional surgery and recovery?


One of the first things I did was with OM Unison (or two C forks that can be placed on the body).  Because I could not use my right arm, I put one fork in my right hand.  I hit the other fork to get it vibrating and put that on different points on my body.  One point was to support liver function.  The other point was to support the kidneys.  Another point was to support the spleen.


These alone helped to remove the effects of anesthesia and medication from the surgery.  Most folks have no idea how deeply anesthesia effects the physical, emotional and energetic bodies.


First, you’ll notice you might get cold.  Knowing that might happen is important.  Think about when you wake up from surgery.  They want you to breathe and re-oxygenate the body.  You are cold!  They pile warm blankets on you to help you recover and wake up.


When you start to release side effects, it makes sense that you might get cold.  You might get nauseous as well (depending on the surgery).  If that is the case, stop and let things calm down.  Then try again.  Don’t worry that you are hurting anything.  It will pass.  Just be gentle with yourself in the process.


To promote healing for rotator cuff specifically, you can use OM unison forks (balancing and calming energy) to start.  I put one in my right hand and the other in my left hand and just held them after I hit them to get them vibrating.


As the healing progresses you can use other forks to support your process.  These forks can be placed on other points and meridians that will assist in the healing.  For instance to “open” will help release blocked or stagnant energy in those meridians and organs.  A 6th interval is good for this.


As always, pay attention to what and how your body responds.  If you have side effects becoming apparent (nausea, cold, spasming) then adjust as necessary.  By that I mean, move further away from the area that is responding on the body.  Or give yourself more time between vibrating the forks for things to be gentler.


To support respiratory function, I put OM unison forks on the LU1 points (located about 3″ above the nipple on the chest/each side).  This will help your breathing to regulate.  That will also help with other side effects.


I hope you found this helpful?  If you have any specific questions, please take the time to send a comment and I’ll get back to you quickly.