
Align yourself with the right people … your community … your tribe.


“You want to go fast- go alone!  You want to go far, go together.”  African Proverb


So many of us know who our people/tribe are and already have extended agreements and sharing that occurs with them on a regular basis.


There are others of course (many others) who don’t think ‘outside the box’ of family.  When someone mentions people or tribe to them, they immediately think of family, maybe childhood friends or schoolmates.  And I’m not saying these people are not part of your tribe or community.  They certainly can be.


Community can mean much more than that though.


I’m not saying those people are not important, of course they are if you think so.  Although, we were placed in those groupings. Whether we were born into them or assigned them in sports, school, church or other organized social groups.


What I’m talking about here is more about your ‘chosen’ tribe or community.  For instance, on my spiritual or transformational journey, I have met and aligned with people from all over the world.  Do you know what I’m referring to?


Sure you do.  You know the ones I’m talking about!  When you meet them, you know them.  Your thought is my sister!  My brother!  You might even express, “I know we’ve met before.”  At some point, you might even say, “it must be past life” when neither of you can figure out the details.


I’m inviting us to talk about community today.  Do you have an extended community?  Tribe?

Are there people you share information with and healing work?

Do they consist of family members?  Or are they people you’ve met on your journey?


If you have an active community in your life, embrace them more deeply.  If you don’t have one that reflects your passion, then it is time to find them!


When we have a tribe that reflects or shares our passion for living or our dream, then it’s an invitation to move forward with the manifestation of that in our life.  It’s a chance to have support of our dream, vs. the naysayers who don’t believe in it.  The ones who are trying to tell us what a waste of time it is.  That we are not being responsible.


Responsible – the ability to respond.  I find I’m much more able to respond in alignment with who I am when I have support from my tribe to do so.  When I’m conflicted or unsure or just need prayers, I can contact them and say that is what I need.  They step up and offer it freely.


The cosmos is supporting those kinds of relationships in our lives now to move forward in the manifestation of more happiness.  I don’t know about you, but I can use all the happiness I can think of … and more … to infinity and beyond.  I believe part of the struggle comes from being separate or put into silos of aloneness.


Our ancestors had the right idea.  They were organized into communities and tribes.  It took a village to raise a child.  Entire tribes migrated with the seasons based on the availability of physical support for their health, happiness and well-being in the environments where they lived.  Decisions were made based on agreement and conversation.  Each community had a healer and a leader who shared wisdom and listened to the rest of the tribe.


When did we become so isolated?  Do you feel that way sometimes?  I know I do.  Sometimes aloneness is stifling and other times necessary.  How do you balance individuality with community?  I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

October Forecast

Universal month in numerology = 1

Time for new beginnings!  What do you want to plant for this upcoming year?  New growth, new seeds for the future.  Next year is a universal year of new beginnings.  You want to put energy behind the things you want to manifest that are a reflection of what’s in your heart.

September was all about clearing out the past, karmic patterns and programming that is holding you back.  October is about moving forward in your creation.  A huge shift of what you’ve been feeling.

Libra is the sign of beauty and love and ruled by Venus.  Be beautiful, focus on love, focus on what you love to do.  Be creative.  Get out in nature.  Focus on your creative expression and the things that make you feel good.  The better you feel, the more things you attract that make you feel good.

Relationships are a reflection of your inner world (or struggle).  Do you love yourself?  Are you walking your talk?  Your relationships will be reflecting what you feel about yourself or others.

Be clear about your needs.  Full moon during the second half of the month is where things come to light.  Be confident and creative about initiating new things.  Balance intentions and pay attention to where you are not honoring the truth of who you are and what you are.

I’ve been telling people I work with for years to put yourself first on your list!  If you don’t, then how you manifest will also be last or worse … not even on your own ‘to do’ list.  When you are honoring your Self and being true to what is in your heart or your passion, then you offer that passion and commitment to others and encourage them to do the same.

Stay out of the past right now.  Be present!  If you are in the past and focused on what you didn’t want, you are creating more of that instead of what you DO want.  Make sure you use positive intentions, be pro-active not RE-ACTIVE.

Take action to do something you haven’t done before or put out in the world in a confident way.  You did a lot of work in September and created space for new things to happen.  Set your intentions for what you want to bring into that empty space.  Remember all that clearing work created a vacuum that needs to be filled with something else.  Take charge of what is going to fill that space!  Let go of your fear around this and JUST DO IT!!