Tag Archives: STRESS

My Journey as a Sound Therapist With the RestStation Lounge (15)

My next session with the RestStation Lounge:

Hypothyroid – Duration = 21:17

Having been previously diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I thought this might be a good session for me to help heal that issue.  If you have this condition, you know it has many, many effects that are unpleasant from extremely dry skin to hair loss, to lack of sleep or constant exhaustion to just name a few.


At first, I just enjoyed the vibrations coming from the Lounge.  I had automatically crossed my ankles left over right this time.  Within the first two moments of laying down on the Lounge, I could feel the vibrations in my thyroid.


The vibration itself seemed more centered in my hips/legs in the physical Lounge; but I could REALLY feel it in my throat.


It was like it skipped over everything in between and went directly to where it was needed the most to bring my body back into resonance.  I fell asleep.

RestStation Lounge

What a lot of people don’t realize when it comes to thyroid issues is it can become pretty common in men when they reach their early fifties.  In some cases, men even younger.  Many men don’t think of this as a medical issue which can affect them, as it is considered more of a female disease or problem.


Whether you are male or female, having hypothyroidism can be very challenging on a physical level when trying to meet the demands of your life.


I will be doing this session more often to see the long-terms effects I notice on a physical level.


If you would like more information about the RestStation Lounge, please use the contact me form below to express your interest.  I’ll follow-up with you as soon as I get the contact.

My Journey With the RestStation Lounge (13)

My next session on the RestStation Lounge…

Muscle Pain and Injury – Duration = 52:42

I’ve been having severe migraines and neck pain since 10/16/17.  I never heard of anyone having a migraine for over 3 weeks.  Have you?  Additionally, I never have had a migraine in my life.  So this was really strange.


After a week of having a relentless migraine, I went to the hospital emergency room.  I was concerned because my family has a history of stroke and brain tumors and aneurysms.  I didn’t know what was going on.


I’ve been hospitalized, stuffed with pharmaceuticals, opioids, steroids, MRIs, Cat Scans – on and on.  After awhile you just feel like a guinea pig.  It’s like they don’t know; so they go down a punch list to say, “Well, it’s not that.”  and just start ruling things out.


I first tried this treatment (muscle pain and injury) on 11/3 with interesting results.


In this treatment, I could feel the vibration focus mostly on my spine, legs, neck, and head.  I did run energy for it (I explained previously) as I knew it would help the energetic vibration flow not only in my physical body but in my energetic body as well.  It did.


After this session on the Lounge, I felt pretty unsteady on my feet.  Of course, that had been happening with the migraine beforehand too.  But this time, it felt like I was ungrounded.  So I want to take a moment to remind people to ground before getting up.  Take your time.  Let things land after the session ends.  We are always in such a hurry to get moving again.


Putting roots from your feet into the earth is a good visual to use.  Drinking water and going to the bathroom is also very good for grounding.


Important to note – I stopped all pain medications 3 days ago.  After this session I can move my neck 4-5″ in each direction.  Before this session, I could only move it 1″ in each direction.


That is a HUGE improvement as far as I am concerned.  It was definitely due to the sessions on the Lounge.


Recent Update:  When I went to see the neurologist today, he told me I had several pinched nerves in my neck.  He told me I could expect to be getting migraines now and have continued neck pain.

I told him I did not expect that to happen with the sound therapy and vibrational medicine treatments I was doing on the RestStation Lounge and in my other work as a sound and vibrational therapist.


For more information on the Lounge, please visit my research center location at:


Or use the form below to contact me directly with your interest.

My Journey With the RestStation Lounge (11)

My next session with the RestStation Lounge…

Nerves – Neuralgia and Nerve Inflammation, Duration = 41:56


I’ve been suffering from intense pain in my neck and headaches severe enough to make it impossible to find relief.  I was in the hospital for tests on my neck and head.  They ruled out stroke or heart attack and prescribed all kinds of medications.  Some of them were dangerous to be taken together for more than 2 days.  Of course, those were the ones that stopped the headaches.  Then I realized my neck was so tight and painful that I could not move it more than an inch in any direction…side/side or up/down.


I chose this treatment because I thought I had a pinched nerve in my neck.  I did this session first thing in the morning when I woke up at 5am.  The session was relaxing and the vibrations worked from my feet to my neck with the sound coming through the headphones.  At times, the sound was loud but if I turned it down, I lost the strength of the vibration.


Immediate Results – When the session ended, I didn’t have a headache but had a different feeling (not pain, but unusual) in my head, kind of like an echo of a headache.  Sounds weird.


I did have improved range of motion in my neck – side/side and up/down with an additional 1” range of motion.  Headache is not as prominent as it has been for 3 weeks.  It has kind of taken a back seat to neck pain as something more manageable.


The Neurologist wants to do 4 injections of cortisone/steroids in all the cervical vertebrae in my neck.  I don’t want to do that and am looking at sound and vibration therapy as an alternative.  The RestStation Lounge is offering me hope in this area.  In the meantime, I continue to do work in the emotional and energetic body to see what is causing this to happen in my head and neck.


If you want to know more about the Lounge, please click the link below and complete the form on that page.  It won’t sign you up for anything other than letting someone know you want more information.


My Journey With the Reststation Lounge (9)

My next session with the Reststation Lounge…

Angel – Duration = 30:28 min

I didn’t feel any vibration.  I kept expecting it and missed it.  There was one crystal bowl – very loud, frequency was off for me.  I found it very annoying, and actually took the headphones off my ears.


There was another spot where I expected the sound and vibration to get lighter and more etheric and it did the exact opposite and got lower and thunderous.


It felt agitating to me.  I could guess it was for grounding to then take it to a higher level, but it felt yucky to me for some reason.  I wanted it to stop.  It felt/sounded like the “da da DA” in a movie or something.  I’ll do a balance because my energy field feels really off in my higher chakras now.


This was completely unexpected for me.  I expected to have a totally different experience.


Same Day

Immediate next session with the Lounge

Chakra Balancing – Duration = 30m


It definitely felt like my chakras were balanced with the sound and vibration of the bed.  However, I still felt a loss in the upper chakras.


I wanted more of the vibration I feel when working with other sound tools like tuning forks and/or bowls when they are placed on the body of a person.  I intend on trying it with a bowl at a later time, or the Chakra Tuning forks for the upper levels.


The Lounge vibration and energy feels like it is targeting the lower physical body and chakras than coming all the way up through the 6th, 7th and 8th chakras.


I’ve since had this conversation with the designer of the Lounge, Gary Ferguson.   We’ve discussed how to include things in the design of the Lounge to bring the sound and vibrational attunement up into the higher levels of the body.


My Journey with the Reststation Lounge (8)

My next session with the Reststation Lounge…

Lymphedema with Lymph Support – about 46 minutes

Today I’m doing two sessions and I chose this one first.

I’ve been feeling my Lymph system needs support for awhile now.  I thought this session might help clear some of the side effects from prescribed pharmaceuticals for migraines and nerve pain.


During this session, different phases took me to different levels.  The vibrations in the lounge were settled at my hips and butt and down my legs.  I could feel the lymph in my groin area and at the top of my thighs vibrate.  Other strong lymph areas – under arms, side of throat and lower/length of ribcage didn’t feel the vibrations at this time.  I kept waiting for the vibrations to rise up the bed with the sound levels to the upper lymph areas in the body.  However, this didn’t happen.


I think crystals could help raise the vibration to the other lymph areas. I’ll share these findings with Gary Ferguson (the designer and manufacturer of the Lounge) and see if any changes could be made to the Lounge or if they have already been made with the newer models.  I see potentials to helps with the grid of the energy field flow and attunement with the sound and frequencies of the treatment.


I looked to find a complementary pairing to this session for release on an energetic level.  I want to build on one another just as I would in an individual sound session to treat the mind, body, spirit on three energetic levels.


Second Session Today

Addiction – Duration = 23:40

During the beginning of this treatment, I felt extreme agitation.  Sound was disruptive and not soothing at all until the waves started coming in.

I felt like something was wrong with the connection and the sound treatment and determined to check it later.


So funny, I just posted this and realized I obviously wasn’t supposed to do the other session on top of the one I had just done.  However, that didn’t come clear in the session at all.


(Second Attempt at this Session – Addiction – Duration = 23:40

What a different session this was.  It was soothing and calming when I did it on it’s own.  I noticed just a humming sound and vibration for the first minute or so, then music/sound and vibration started.  I noted different thoughts and feelings coming up and just observed and consciously released.


My focus and objective was to notice, not understand at that moment.   I believe addictions are rooted in the emotional body and I am treating whole bodies today – nerves, addictions, and energy body.

What are your beliefs about this?  Please comment below…

My Journey With the Reststation Lounge (6)

My next session with the Reststation Lounge…

Muscle Pain and Injury – duration 53:43 min

I decided to try the Muscle Pain and Injury session again now that my adrenals were balanced.  When I woke up this morning, I ached all over.  Literally, it felt like I had been run over by a truck and was just picking myself up off the ground.


Although the good news was the migraine was gone; I could barely move my head and neck.  I found my joints, ankles, knees, back, arms wrists all were in major pain to move.  I had done this same session 3 sessions ago with the adrenal stimulation in between.  Yesterday was a very busy day with a late night.  When I tried to set up a different treatment it wouldn’t work (or the Universe would not cooperate with my plan).


Have you ever had that happen?  When you had a plan and the Universe wouldn’t cooperate with it?  Please comment and tell me about it?


I did the treatment.  After it was completed, I could only go to bed.  I have a big day tomorrow, so I’m hoping to feel a big change.  Although I’ve had lots of injuries and muscle pains over the years, I found all the areas that were aching so much had sustained these injuries, breaks, surgeries and trauma.


The next morning I felt much better.  I know when I was sleeping the frequencies were working on a deeper level and in the morning I could definitely feel the shift.


My Journey With the Reststation Lounge (5)

My next session with the Reststation Lounge…

Adrenal Stimulant – duration 19:55 minutes

After this session I felt discombobulated.  It was hard to write now and I had to take a break for water and grounding.


At first, I was worried it wasn’t working right because there was no vibration happening in the lounge.  I got up, checked the settings and restarted the session.  Still no vibration.  I decided to let go of that and listened to the sounds.  I realized I liked it louder as I wanted to be immersed in the sounds.  As soon as I did, I discovered I could feel the sound in the headset resonating in my adrenals.  A few minutes later, the Lounge started vibrating.  This was focused mostly at the base of my spine; although my adrenals were where I first recognized the frequencies and vibrations.


Every time I heard and felt the vibration and frequencies at my adrenals it was like they were being shaken awake.  The words “jump started” came to mind, like a battery that was dead being re-charged.


The vibration then started moving down my legs which were crossed R over L.  I heard the ocean and would breathe deeply and release quickly each time.  Then it shifted to another level – upper back and adrenals.  I changed my legs and crossed L over R.  Heard the ocean again and deep breaths (3x) with a quick release.


Vibration moved back to the base of my spine and into my adrenals.  I uncrossed my legs and found myself off-kilter in more than 2 places at once.  Then it came into balance.


I thought this was very interesting and definitely related to the crossing/uncrossing of the ankles.  It felt more balanced and evened-out after uncrossing.  Like something opened and shifted and flowed more evenly.


I saw more visuals with this treatment.  A man was handing something to me, although I couldn’t tell what.  It was like a video running in my peripheral vision until I looked at it.  Then it stopped.


If you are interested in talking to me more specifically about the Reststation Lounge please use the contact me form on this page.

I look forward to hearing from you.