Tag Archives: DEPRESSION

My Journey as a Sound Therapist with the RestStation Lounge for Veterans


My next session with the RestStation Lounge …

Heart Health – Duration:  30:25

I thought this would be a good session to accompany the PTSD session and take it to the next level of an emotional heart healing.  If we are releasing trauma from PTSD, then it would leave an emotional space open for release or for healing.


We all know the physical aspects of the heart… that steady, consistent beat in our chest of all the valves pumping blood throughout our body.  Keeping us alive.  We know when we’ve been fearful or very excited and we’ve felt it race and pound as well.


The vibro-acoustics coming through the Lounge were soothing, calming and loving.  I say that and you might wonder why or how?  It felt loving (soothing, calming, gentle like a hug.)


My heart ached a little bit and I thought, “What was making my heartache?”  And some thoughts came to me about some things that had hurt my heart.  I released them as they came to my consciousness and I let them go.


Each one I “looked” at and released helped to lighten the tightness I felt in my heart space, until it felt normal again.


The Lounge then sent vibrations down through my legs and arms.  That felt like it was moving and shifting things the rest of the way out of my energy field.


I definitely recommend doing these two sessions together.  It would take an hour of your time.  Are you worth an hour of relaxation and a sound tune up?  I would do this more than once, depending on the levels of PTSD and pain you are holding in your heart space because of it.


If you are a Veteran, complete the contact me form below to find out about how you can try a session on the RestStation Lounge for FREE!

My Journey as a Sound Therapist with the RestStation Lounge


My next session with the RestStation Lounge …

PTSD – Mild/Moderate – Duration:  30:00

I thought I would do this as it would be really valuable for Veterans; at least one would think so.  But I also thought, I’ve had a lot of trauma in my life – mental, emotional and physical – why wouldn’t it be good for me to do?


The session started by telling me to give all my trauma over to the ocean, dolphins and whales that I would hear.  The sounds of the ocean are so peaceful and soothing.


I quickly began to breathe deeply and slowly.  I thought of some instances of emotional trauma that I could give the dolphins.  I love dolphins as they seem such gentle and happy creatures.  I would like to be more like them.  They seem carefree.  The dance on water, laugh a lot and live in pods.


The whales however seem to have such mammoth strength and endurance and their eyes are full of wisdom and gentleness.  I thought they might be strong enough to handle some of the physical trauma my body has endures, so I gave the physical trauma to them.


I felt cold, energy releasing from different areas of my body moving in direct relationship to the vibro-acoustics coming through the Lounge.  As it moved, so did the energetic release.


At one point, it felt like waves washing up//down my physical body and energy field.


I would recommend this for all veterans and other people too.  Basically anyone who has had physical or emotional trauma.


You will definitely feel better after this session.  I did.


If you live in the Littleton area, please contact me directly to try a session on the RestStation Lounge.  If you are a Veteran, I’m running a free trial session for interested Veterans.  Please fill out the contact me form if you are interested in releasing some of the trauma from your service to your country.  Take the first step back into your life at home.

My Journey as a Sound Therapist with the RestStation Lounge


I’m looking for  Veterans to have a FREE session on the Lounge.  I’ll start setting them up for Saturdays during February.  If you would like to try the Lounge and one of the sound healing sessions, please contact me below


I’ve  included the video interview I did with Pathways for Veterans regarding the RestStation Lounge.


Check it out here…





My Journey as a Sound Therapist with the RestStation Lounge


My next session with the RestStation Lounge was …

Neuralgia and Nerve Inflammation – Duration:  41:56

When this session started, I remember thinking how warm it was making me feel throughout my body.  It’s interesting because the covering on the lounge is vinyl, so oftentimes when you first lay on down, it can be cold depending on the outside temperature.  It quickly warms up though; and I put a blanket over me.  But initially for about 2-3 minutes it feels cool.


It was a warmth that was coming from the inside of my body to the outside kind of thing.  I drifted off into the sound.


I remember thinking that I didn’t want to fall asleep and wanted to be aware of the shifts happening not only in my body but in my energy field as well.


I still have this pain in my right lung.  I’ve had it for over a week now.  It felt like a pulled muscle at first, but with the work I’ve been doing on the Lounge it would have helped that already.  It literally feels like something penetrating through the front of my chest and coming out the backside.  I thought I might have a cracked rib, but couldn’t figure out how that would have happened.  So I figured a muscle strain.  It hurts to breathe.


I was hoping my session would resolve this.  It hasn’t happened yet.  I almost called the doctor today as it was worse this morning.


I did have a pain in my left foot from being on my feet since 6am until about midnight.  The session really helped this, so that told me that was nerve inflammation and resultant pain.  If I look at the emotional aspects of it … feminine side, caught in the past … I know it has to do with going back to work full-time for someone else.


After this session, the pain in my foot was gone as soon as I got up from the Lounge.  That was outstanding!

The RestStation Lounge and Pathways for Veterans Program/Littleton


I want to talk a minute about why I’m doing this.  A lot of people don’t think of sound as a healing therapy.  A bunch of people think when something hurts, or you are physically in pain or sick you go to a doctor and they’ll fix you.  The doctor usually prescribes a bunch of medications, opioids and other energy suppressants.   They anesthetize you into thinking your okay when you’re not.  The original problem is still there.  Except now it’s worse because you need to take the medication to feel “normal”.


Over the years of working with sound as a therapy, I’ve discovered that unless you treat the whole person – mind, body, spirit – you are just putting a band-aid on symptoms.  Then you end up in surgery or worse.  I realized 25 years ago, it doesn’t have to be that way.  You have the power to change your life; to change feeling or being in pain all the time; to change feeling like you will never just be your Self again.


Sound can do that for you.   We all vibrate to a specific and unique frequency and vibration, along with every other thing in the Universe.  If we are out of balance, or out of resonance with the rest of our body or environment, we experience dis-ease or physical and emotional problems.  However, I believe that when you bring your Self back into resonance or balance in your vibration/frequency you release the dis-ease or physical and emotional problems. And hey, if you get to lie down while you are doing it?  Makes sense to me to get a regular Tune Up as you do for your car/vehicle.


I’ve been thinking of Veterans for some time.  How they put their lives on the line for our country.  To be of service!  To preserve and protect!


I’ve spoken with Veterans and they all said, “It was better to keep it over there, than let it come here.”  Wherever there was!


I think it’s time we give something back to them.


Pathways for Veterans is dedicated to healing the spiritual war wounds of the men and women of our military. Our mission is to create a safe environment where all veterans can experience being heard and are given the tools to re-purpose themselves in mind, body and spirit.


Ordinary people can go and make a donation to Pathways for Veterans


to help Veterans get some much-needed alternative therapy to treat their whole person – body, mind and spirit.  This program will help them look at the changes in who they are now and learn to accept themselves in the process.


Combined with the sound and vibrational sessions on the RestStation Lounge (see blog articles) they can receive treatment for a multitude of things:

  1. PTSD
  2. Anxiety
  3. Depression
  4. Muscle Pain
  5. Radiation Burns
  6. Loss of Limb Pain
  7. Insomnia and nightmares and so much more.

Is there a Veteran in your life?  Please share my blog with them.  Invite them to see what a person’s experience is in straight out terms.



You might be the catalyst of change for them taking the next step towards their discovery and recovery of who they have become in the process of serving their country.  Not only that, but how do they now fit back into their lives?  How do they reconnect with their wives and children and families?


Maybe YOU are the Veteran to hear today there is another way and another opportunity for you.  Reach out to us here:


Click on the contact us Form today and let the next phase of your life start … Recovery!  Support!  Happiness!

My Journey as a Sound Therapist with the RestStation Lounge


My next session with the RestStation Lounge —

Gong Bath – Duration:  22:13m


I chose the gong bath because I have a gong and do group sound therapy sessions with it and other sound instruments.  I have also attended gong sessions that others have done and find them to be very calming and relaxing in general.


I have never had one laying on a Lounge that is vibrating to the frequencies of the Gong and sending those frequencies through my body in waves!  It was amazing!


I had my feet crossed.  I could feel the vibration strongly in my legs, back, and chest.  I couldn’t tell if the waves were coming up or down my body just that they were infusing me.


At one point, all the hair on my body was standing on end.  This often happens at higher sound vibrations and frequencies when you get this ‘cold’ feeling.  You’re not really cold just having an energetic shift in your vibrational resonance pattern.


This session was very relaxing and yet clearing at the same time.  I felt like I had been washed clean before heading to bed.


A very different feeling than when I am doing a Gong Bath where I am playing the gong.  Or when I am receiving a Gong Bath from someone else.  Then you are surrounded and awash with the sound and frequencies.  But it doesn’t feel the same as when you are laying on something that is channeling those same frequencies and vibrations on and through your body.  It is infusing you on a cellular level and working it’s way out.


I believe that we all resonate to a specific frequency anyway; as do our organs and cells.  This will attune you to the higher vibrational frequencies of the gong.


So hard to describe to someone who hasn’t experienced it.

Are you ready to try it out yet?



My Journey as a Sound Therapist with the RestStation Lounge 12/29/17

My next session with the RestStation Lounge was Etheric Sweep – Duration:  48:09


I just had the most amazing experience and session with the RestStation Lounge.  Etheric Sweep.


First, there was no vibration to speak of in the Lounge.  I almost went to figure out why and realized etheric meant energy field.


I never gave crossing my feet another thought.  This was definitely a sound attunement, a caress of spirit and a reminder of all that you are in the midst of the chaos.


I soared on the sound.  I literally felt personally serenaded by the violins and enticed into a journey of discovery.  I was enfolded and encased in the power and the frequency of the sounds as the tones soothed my spirit and enlivened my heart.


Some brought specific people to mind and I looked at those relationships from a place of love and gratitude and Blessings.


I felt every pore of my skin and cell in my body as it began to resonate to a different frequency of love.


My entire energy field was loved and given peace.  What a wonderful feeling to let go of my day and come back to myself!

I will do this session again tomorrow and see if it has the same effect on me as it did this evening.


My Journey as a Sound Therapist with the RestStation Lounge


My next session with the RestStation Lounge after being away from it for two weeks.  First, I’ll say that I felt the effects within 3 days of not being on the Lounge.  Muscles that I had released tension from were tense again and I had limited range of motion in my neck.


I decided to do the Hypothyroid to give my metabolism a jump-start during the busy holiday season.


It was late at night when I did this sound session.  I crossed ankles left over right.  I could feel the vibration in my thyroid and throat chakra.  It was also running up my arms from where my hands were placed palm down on the Lounge.   The vibration traveled down my legs to my knees but didn’t seem to go lower


]It felt really long when it was only 20M.  At one point, I bent my knees and put my feet on the Lounge because I know my whole body can be treated on the points on my feet.  At one time, I had the thought this might not be the best session to do before going to bed.


I was thinking about a weight-loss treatment for folks with hypothyroidism; and what I would accompany the session with to take it to a whole person treatment.


I was thinking about the person who might want to come once a week for a session for weight loss – either man or woman.  The session I would do in conjunction with this is for the lymph system; which will help with water retention and blockages in the emotional body.


Together with the thyroid treatment, it is a powerful combination to treat the physical and emotional aspects of weight gain, helplessness, the lymph drainage and stimulation of the thyroid gland.

My Journey as a Sound Therapist With the RestStation Lounge (17)

My next session with the RestStation Lounge …

Anger Management – Duration 20:45

I chose this session because I often get angry driving and have pretty bad road rage.  Lately I’m angry at a lot of things; like how the price of everything is going up – insurance, gas, groceries, rents, flights, food, clothing – most of what a person needs to survive much less thrive.  The problem is salaries are NOT going up and companies are demanding so much more from employees without giving them adequate raises that many people are suffering just trying to make ends meet.  Can you relate to what I’m talking about?


I struggle with patience and releasing this anger at times.  As a therapist, I have lots of tools to help me manage and release this and sometimes it just gets overwhelming.  Do you know what I mean?


When working with sound as a therapist, I work with the liver to release stagnant energy (anger) in the body.  It helps to keep me calmer.  I was curious if the Lounge would do the same thing.


It didn’t.  At least not in the same way as tuning forks would do so. Although I didn’t feel anything specifically in the liver, I found the vibrations and frequencies to be very relaxing.


I was actually quite startled when the sound and frequency treatment stopped.  It pulled me back very strongly from a place the sound and vibration took me.  I was very surprised because I didn’t feel like I had gone that deep;  but I obviously had.


I decided to balance the first session with a second session at the same time to treat another level of the physical body by lifting depression in the emotional body as well.


Lifting Depression – Duration = 20:01

I laid back down on the Lounge after recording my notes from the previous session, set the next one I wanted to do and laid back down.


The session started fine, but within 3 minutes my computer shut down again.  Without boring you with the details here, I tried several times with the same results and was unable to get everything working again.  My laptop kept shutting down and I got nervous about damaging it as I need it for my work.


At that point, I contacted Gary Ferguson to see if anyone else had any of these difficulties with the Lounge and if there was anyway it could damage or short out my computer.  Gary reassured me that the Lounge could not do such a thing; and the laptop was only providing the sound and vibration through a receiver to the Lounge through a USB cord.  Additionally, with thousands of Lounges in circulation, no one had experienced anything like what I was going through.


For further information on the RestStation Lounge, please contact me using the form below and I will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

My Journey as a Sound Therapist With the RestStation Lounge (15)

My next session with the RestStation Lounge:

Hypothyroid – Duration = 21:17

Having been previously diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I thought this might be a good session for me to help heal that issue.  If you have this condition, you know it has many, many effects that are unpleasant from extremely dry skin to hair loss, to lack of sleep or constant exhaustion to just name a few.


At first, I just enjoyed the vibrations coming from the Lounge.  I had automatically crossed my ankles left over right this time.  Within the first two moments of laying down on the Lounge, I could feel the vibrations in my thyroid.


The vibration itself seemed more centered in my hips/legs in the physical Lounge; but I could REALLY feel it in my throat.


It was like it skipped over everything in between and went directly to where it was needed the most to bring my body back into resonance.  I fell asleep.

RestStation Lounge

What a lot of people don’t realize when it comes to thyroid issues is it can become pretty common in men when they reach their early fifties.  In some cases, men even younger.  Many men don’t think of this as a medical issue which can affect them, as it is considered more of a female disease or problem.


Whether you are male or female, having hypothyroidism can be very challenging on a physical level when trying to meet the demands of your life.


I will be doing this session more often to see the long-terms effects I notice on a physical level.


If you would like more information about the RestStation Lounge, please use the contact me form below to express your interest.  I’ll follow-up with you as soon as I get the contact.