Tag Archives: candida

My Journey as a Sound Therapist with the RestStation Lounge for Veterans


My next session with the RestStation Lounge …

Rife Frequency w/Solfeggio Healing Tones and Chakra balancing to Relieve Candida – Duration: 29:20

This session basically did what I expected it to do.  If you have Candida (and most people who eat any sugar in their diets do) then you are familiar with the lethargy, gas, bloating and other symptoms, such as: itchiness of the skin, rash, blemishes and more.


The vibrations were focused at my waist, abdomen, and intestinal areas.  They varied on intensity but were generally gentle vs. intense in nature.


The Solfeggio healing Tones were very restful and relaxing.  I could feel my Chakras (especially 2nd and 3rd chakras) balancing and resetting or recalibrating.


I thought that when Candida bacteria starts to die off, they emit a gas and the individual can get gassy and bloated in the body.  I hope that is not going to happen to me from this session.


I’m sure I will know more of the effects tomorrow.  Immediately after the session, I was burping.  I’m also thirsty again and headed for water to hydrate.  I’m hoping this will assist in the release of the toxins and help flush them from my body.


Areas I notice are itching the next day are underside of my breasts and areas on my face, behind my neck and I have been burping after I eat today.  I find these symptoms to be interesting.  I hope it is because Candida in my body are being annihilated!