Category Archives: nerve pain

My Journey as a Sound Therapist with the RestStation Lounge for Veterans


Oxygen;  Duration: 32:05

This session consists of ocean waves mostly.  You hear them crashing on the shore.  You hear them lapping at a boat.  You feel like you are floating and it sounds like your ears underwater at one point.  You hear them gently caressing a shore.


I immediately calm and my mind takes me to the ocean.  Next thing I know I’m taking a deep breath as I think of how I feel there and how the salt air smells.  The salt air releases negativity and just the memory of it will do the same thing.


It took me on different levels of breathing.  I felt oxygenated from the inside/out if that makes sense.  When you relax, you relax into diaphragmatic breathing.  It’s funny because we do that naturally as soon as we fall asleep.  Even if you are a chest breather (a lot of people are), when you fall asleep you revert to your natural breathing state which is from the diaphragm.


This session helped me to relax and I slept really good when I went to bed afterwards.



Neuralgia and Nerve Inflammation;  Duration 41:56

During this session, my feet were crossed left over right.  There wasn’t really any vibration coming through the Lounge; although the sound seemed to be everywhere.


I felt like a tingling blanket/towel (maybe a 1×1′ square) in different places on my body at different times.  There were noticeable energetic pattern shifts where it took me from one level to another emotionally.  For instance, where I went from calm and relaxed to active and thinking.  No thought to planning thoughts.


I was having twinges of pain in my neck on the left side earlier today.  My legs were feeling restless and twitchy like when you have to swing your foot or they just went settle down.


The session seemed to calm all of that down somehow.  The sound just felt like it was inviting me on a journey and I went.


I’ve been writing about this experience for awhile now and I haven’t heard very much back from people.  Please take a moment and drop me a note or a question about my experience?  Or how it might pertain to you?  What benefits you might experience from just one session with the RestStation Lounge?


Maybe you would like to sign up for a FREE session to try it out.  Please contact me below and we’ll set it up.