My Journey as a Sound Therapist with the RestStation Lounge


My next session with the RestStation Lounge–

Energize and Recharge – Duration 30:08m


First, it helped to calm me down.  That was not what I expected.  There were some very soothing sounds and vibrations.


I’d done this session before quite awhile ago and it felt very different to me now.  Of course, I’m different now.


When the session was over, I realized I wasn’t sure if I was energized and needed a little longer to discover if I actually was…


An hour later …


OMG!  Energizer bunny!!  I got so much accomplished today and even went out with friends tonight to celebrate a birthday with a dinner party.


Usually after a day full of work and chores, I’m pretty beat at night and can’t seem to get the energy to get dressed and go out.  Not the case tonight after my session on the Lounge.


I didn’t feel energized immediately after, which was unusual and why I wanted to give it a little time to see how I actually felt.


This is a great way to start your day.  Or a great way to give you a boost after work.  I’ve even used this session after working all day to give me the energy to go out at night or to work on other things at night.


It is perfect when you need an energy lift.  It is on my daily and/or weekly list as needed.  It’s a wonderful feeling to know that I can re-energize whenever I am tired and haven’t finished my day or commitments.


Even if it is to go food shopping or some other chores after working all day.  You know the feeling when you just want to kick off your shoes, and chill out?  Well, now I do it on the RestStation Lounge and take 30 minutes to re-energize for what I have to do next.  In just a short time, I’m ready to go again.